Know your Loyalty ID, or the email associated with your Loyalty ID? Use the Loyalty Lookup Tool!

If you’re unable to find your Loyalty ID and details using the Loyalty Lookup Tool, provide the information below and a member of HQ will look into it for you.

Enter your Primary Email Address - this is the email that is or should be associated with your Electric Forest Loyalty ID (or the email you’ve used for Wristband Registration).

Enter any and all additional email addresses used for Wristband Registration (2016 - 2024).

Enter any and all Loyalty IDs believed to have been assigned.

Enter any and all Wristband Codes believed to have been registered (2016 - 2024)

If you have further context to provide, feel free to do so below. Be clear and concise, and provide any evidence of attendance and Loyalty Program participation.

Lose access to the email account attached to your Loyalty ID? Provide the information below to update it.

* Tip: This is the email that is currently associated with your Loyalty ID.

* Tip: This is the email that will be associated with your Loyalty ID going forward.

Have two or more Loyalty IDs? Submit them here to have them merged!

Provide the permanent Email and existing Loyalty ID you’d like to keep going forward.

* Tip: This is the email that will be associated with your Loyalty ID going forward.

* Tip: This is the Loyalty ID you’d like to keep. Loyalty IDs are unique and eight characters long.

Not seeing the expected Loyalty Tier in your email or via the Loyalty Lookup Tool? Provide the information below to update it.

* Tip: Loyalty IDs are unique and eight characters long.

Not seeing the expected Loyalty Tier in your email or via the Loyalty Lookup Tool? Provide the information below to update it.

* Tip: Loyalty IDs are unique and eight characters long.