Electric Forest Loyalty Program

Loyalty Account Look Up & Recognition

Enter your unique, permanent Loyalty ID to see your 2025 Loyalty Tier.

(Note: must be in EFXXXXXX format)

Don’t know your Loyalty ID? Request to have it sent via Email!

Enter the Email Address associated with your Electric Forest Loyalty ID - this is the email address used for Wristband Registration (2016 - 2024) or to make your FrontGate Tickets order (2011 - 2015).


Your Loyalty ID is...

Check your email inbox for your Loyalty ID, Status & Tier.


Your permanent Loyalty ID is:

You are

As a reminder, Loyalty IDs, their associated Tier, and the benefits provided are locked to accounts, and can not be shared, sold, traded or given away.

No Loyalty ID is associated with the entered Email Address.

Please confirm that the Email Address was entered correctly. If no Loyalty ID is found, try any other Email addresses that may have been previously associated with your Electric Forest Loyalty journey. This is any Email address used to register a Wristband from 2016 to 2024, or any Email address used to purchase passes from 2011 to 2015.

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